This classic from 1941 is set in 1942 (a big leap) during World War II. Three men crash land their private plane on a small island in the Caribbean when they run out of fuel after getting lost in a storm.
Quickly, one of the three men becomes convinced that the island is infested with zombies. Not just any zombies, but zombies that have been trained to be slaves. I'm still not sure how I feel about that part of the film.
After investigating the island, they find a house where a "doctor" is performing tests on his zombies slaves. The doctor is trying to insert the personalities of the Nazi Army into his zombies. The zombies eventually turn on the doctor.
This film was actually a big stepping stone for comedic actor Mantan Moreland. Moreland had awesome timing in the film. He really helped with bringing the rating up.
What i didn't like about the film far outweighs what I did like. I wasn't a big fan of the political undertones. I really didn't care for the war scenario. But I guess that's what made the film so popular in the first place. Anyway, on a scale of 1 to 10 this movie gets a 5. Four of those points belong to Mantan Moreland. Good gracious, me! Check it out and let me know what you think.
I created this blog to review the zombie movies I've seen. There are a ton of them!! Some that suck, some that are really good and everything in between. This list will grow slowly. You'll probably see George A. Romero's name alot in this blog. Why wouldn't you? He's the "Godfather of all Zombies." I'll probably summarize each movie and then rate it somewhere on a scale of 1 to 10. There's really no rhyme or reason to my ratings scale. I may rate something really high or really low and then rate something similar exactly opposite. There may be some small thing about a movie that I don't like that might bring a rating down. The reviews are set-up with my most recent review on top, and the oldest at the bottom. Anyway, let's get started...