I created this blog to review the zombie movies I've seen. There are a ton of them!! Some that suck, some that are really good and everything in between. This list will grow slowly. You'll probably see George A. Romero's name alot in this blog. Why wouldn't you? He's the "Godfather of all Zombies." I'll probably summarize each movie and then rate it somewhere on a scale of 1 to 10. There's really no rhyme or reason to my ratings scale. I may rate something really high or really low and then rate something similar exactly opposite. There may be some small thing about a movie that I don't like that might bring a rating down. The reviews are set-up with my most recent review on top, and the oldest at the bottom. Anyway, let's get started...

Warm Bodies

Any preconceived notions you have about zombies and zombie films need to be forgotten while you watch this one.

The movie starts out with R walking through an airport terminal.  R likes to play a game where he basically makes up a back story to all of the other zombies he encounters each day.  During this we pretty much learn who R is, who is best friend, M is, and what the Bonies are.  We'll talk about the Bonies in a minute.  R and M can't remember their own names, much less talk.  So, their conversations go like this: "Ugh"  "Mmmm" "Ehhh"

The Bonies are the zombies that are too far gone.  These zombies can't process thought or really do anything except eat anything with a beating heart.  Keep that in mind.

One day, R and the others decide to go out and  look for a meal.  They have to travel in packs because everyone wants to shoot them in the head.  They come across a group of young scavengers from a group of survivors.  These survivors have done pretty well in the 7 years since the world ended.  R and his group attack the survivors.  R eats the brain of one of the men and instantly obtains that guy's memories.  R decides to save his meal's girlfriend.

R and the girl (Julie) spend a few days together and slowly R begins to become human again.  R's interaction with the other zombies spreads the "backwards virus" and the other zombies start to become human again as well.  All of the new beating hearts have given the Bonies new prey.

Reluctantly the survivors team with the zombies to kill off the Bonies.  By the end of the film all of the zombies have come back to life, and are trying to start their lives over again.

Now, down to business.  On a scale of 1 to 10 this one gets a 7.  I was expecting non-stop laughs.  It wasn't what I was expecting, but it was still worth watching.  There were several funny moments, a few good one-liners, and Rob Corddry as M was cool. That dude makes me laugh.  It wasn't great, but it was still pretty good.

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