This film starts off with a guy narrating. Basically, he tells us who he is, a paramedic with no friends or family. He also tells us how he got to where he is, he walked. Ground zero for this thing started in Pittsburgh. Elvis (the paramedic) was on duty that day. He lost a patient. As he's sitting there putting his supplies back into the ambulance, the patient re-animates. Thus begins the Zombie Apocalypse!!
The next scene shows Elvis in Miami. He's talking to a woman (Tweeter) on a Walkie Talkie. By the extent of their conversation, I assume they do this every night. Elvis tells the woman that he has a friend that will give them a boat. Elvis provides shelter for the woman until they can get to the boat.
They finally make it to the boat and sail to a remote island somewhere off the coast of Florida. Shortly after they reach land, they come across a group of survivors. This group takes Elvis & Tweeter to a gated community where they live. After meeting the leader of the group, he decides that Elvis is valuable considering he's a medic. Tweeter gets to stay because she's with Elvis. Elvis asks the leader, "What happens when someone isn't allowed to stay?" The leader tells him, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."
A few days later, an old man shows up with his infected wife. A patrol team brings them in. The wife turns and bites a few people. The leader is forced to put them all down. Later, we find out what happens to those that can't stay. The leader forces Elvis to harvest the old man for organs and food. Everything in the movie after that revolves around Elvis & Tweeter trying to escape the island.
This one wasn't too bad. The zombies looked ok. They didn't look really gory, but they didn't look lame either. This film was more about the community on the island than the zombies. I think on a scale of 1 to 10, this one gets a 6. It wasn't great, but it didn't suck either.
I created this blog to review the zombie movies I've seen. There are a ton of them!! Some that suck, some that are really good and everything in between. This list will grow slowly. You'll probably see George A. Romero's name alot in this blog. Why wouldn't you? He's the "Godfather of all Zombies." I'll probably summarize each movie and then rate it somewhere on a scale of 1 to 10. There's really no rhyme or reason to my ratings scale. I may rate something really high or really low and then rate something similar exactly opposite. There may be some small thing about a movie that I don't like that might bring a rating down. The reviews are set-up with my most recent review on top, and the oldest at the bottom. Anyway, let's get started...

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