I created this blog to review the zombie movies I've seen. There are a ton of them!! Some that suck, some that are really good and everything in between. This list will grow slowly. You'll probably see George A. Romero's name alot in this blog. Why wouldn't you? He's the "Godfather of all Zombies." I'll probably summarize each movie and then rate it somewhere on a scale of 1 to 10. There's really no rhyme or reason to my ratings scale. I may rate something really high or really low and then rate something similar exactly opposite. There may be some small thing about a movie that I don't like that might bring a rating down. The reviews are set-up with my most recent review on top, and the oldest at the bottom. Anyway, let's get started...


This one is definitely in a class of it's own.  The description of the movie on Netflix led me to believe that this would be something similar to Kung Pow.  I was wrong.  The production company behind this one took some of their movies and a few others and mashed them up into a collection of mini-movies.  It's actually considered a documentary.  There wasn't a plot to this film.  There wasn't a group of survivors to root for (or against).  There were several women running from various zombies from various movies.  That's it.  In fact, I just gave away the plot to the entire movie.

The idea of taking several movies and mashing them together was a good one.  Was it great?  No.  But, I did learn a few things.  1.  What would happen if a zombie wrestled a shark?  2.  What would happen if a zombie were set on fire?  3.  What would happen if a zombie were interrupted while watching a movie?  The list goes on.  This film was interesting to say the least.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate this one a 4.  It was bad.  But not terrible.

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